ADHD brains might work a bit differently but in this newsletter we are tackling a universal challenge: PROCRASTINATION. If you have suffered from procrastination, then you know it can leave you feeling overwhelmed, doubting your abilities, and flirting with fatigue and burnout.
As we all know, the ADHD brain is a magnificent and complex thing. It's wired for impulsivity, it plays hide and seek with our memory, and it's on a never-ending quest for that dopamine rush. Oh, and let's not forget about our good ol' friend perfectionism. All these traits can shake the very foundation of self-assurance.
Firstly, we need to understand our procrastination cycle. Procrastination is a pesky foe, especially for those of us wired with ADHD. The cycle often starts innocently, with an initial delay. But as we continue to delay, perfectionism creeps in. We want to do it perfectly, but this perfectionism can lead to paralysis and decision fatigue.
The truth is, perfection is a mirage. Waiting for the perfect moment or the perfect idea is a trap that keeps us stuck.
And once we get in this loop…our self-trust is quietly eroding. I speak to a lot of professionals with ADHD who really struggle with self-trust and I know this feeling all too well.
BUT where do these self-trust issues come from?
Understanding where these self-trust issues come from is key. ADHD symptoms can sometimes make us doubt our own reliability. It's like an internal battle where we fear being exposed as a fraud, a classic case of imposter syndrome.
And just quietly, this happens to extremely high performers as well.
To navigate this journey, we need some trusty strategies. 🌟
ROUTINE (I like to call them habits), my friends, is a superhero here. Creating a daily structure can help us tackle the chaos that often comes with ADHD. It's like building an external framework to compensate for those internal quirks.
SELF-COMPASSION is another superpower. It means treating ourselves as kindly as we would a dear friend. We all mess up sometimes, right? Instead of beating ourselves up, let's see these moments as opportunities to learn and grow.
PROGRESS OVER Perfection. Perfection is the enemy of progress. It's time to embrace imperfection. Understand that it's okay not to have all the answers right away. The key is to start. Start small, but start somewhere.
Celebrate our STRENGTHS. Creativity, empathy, thinking outside the box – these are our ADHD superpowers. Embrace them and build a positive self-image. But you also have other Strengths that are not just ADHD related. Find out what they are and work with them.
Love your BRAIN and BODY. Regular exercise, enough sleep, hydration and good nutrition are like rocket fuel for your mind. When your body and brain are firing on all cylinders, you’ll sharpen your thinking.
Setting REALISTIC GOALS is a biggie. Break tasks into manageable bits, conquer them, and celebrate your victories. Each win adds another layer to your self-trust onion.
And don't forget your SUPPORT SQUAD. Colleagues and mentors who get ADHD can be invaluable. Sharing your needs and strengths can create a workplace where you feel understood, not isolated.
TECH TOOLS can be our allies too. Apps for focus, time management, and task organisation can give us that extra support we need. When we can use tech to boost productivity, we can achieve more self-belief.
The internal battle of perfectionism and fear of failure can make you feel isolated. Understanding your procrastination cycle can help you use strategies when you need them to help you be more effective.
We know that all leadership is self-leadership and that means when we know ourselves better and how to work with our brain better, then we can be more successful. This has such an impact on self-trust and esteem.